Resources / Reports / Getting Through College: Voices of Low-Income and Minority Students in New England

Getting Through College: Voices of Low-Income and Minority Students in New England

Published Feb 2001
focus area Evidence-Based Completion

Telephone survey, interviews and analysis of national data report of 350 low-income, four-year college students and how they are faring in the New England region

This report offers a unique opportunity to see how low-income and minority students are faring in the New England region where there is a diverse array of public and private higher education institutions. The study includes the results of a telephone survey of 350 low-income, four-year college students, almost half of which were students of color; in-depth interviews; and analysis of national data collected by the U.S. Department of Education. Four key areas that highly influence college success were identified to include pre-college preparation, financial aid, involvement at and/or feeling connected to their institutions, and attendance patterns.