In the Wake of Tragedy We Reflect
Published Aug 21, 2017
Dear IHEP Community,
As millions of students prepare to begin their studies this fall, the recent events in Charlottesville – at the footsteps of Virginia's flagship university – hang heavy on hearts and minds. These events are a harrowing reminder of the pain and destruction that racism and hatred can unleash.
As schools and campuses welcome students, now more than ever, strong leadership and moral rectitude are needed. We know that our postsecondary education system succeeds when all students have the opportunity to learn in tolerant and inclusive environments.
Late last week, I penned an op-ed featured in the Washington Post's Grade Point higher education news blog that reflected on Education Secretary Betsy DeVos's response to the Charlottesville incidents. I called her attention to threats to policies that promote student success and urged her to show leadership by advancing efforts that promote equity and opportunity. Real action is needed.
Each day, the IHEP team undertakes the necessary work of unpacking the most difficult challenges facing our postsecondary education system, and identifying thoughtful policy solutions. We're urging policymakers to pull the levers that expand college access and turn the dials that promote success for all students, particularly those who have been underrepresented in postsecondary education.
Together with the IHEP team, I am proud to say…IHEP stands for all students. IHEP stands against hate.
Michelle Asha Cooper, Ph.D.